Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Riddle

ABC news did a little study of a new generation's response to a riddle that was popular back in the 80s. "A father and son are in a car crash. The father is killed instantly and the son rushed to the hospital for surgery. The surgeon walks in and exclaims, 'I can't operate on this boy! This is my son!" Who's the surgeon?"

Back in the 80s few people could answer that the surgeon was his mother. Even today, older people give stupid answers like "the boy was adopted." So ABC news goes to a grade school and asks a bunch of 4th or 5th graders. Most of them immediately can answer "mother" to the riddle. That's pretty cool. Times have changed. Both boys and girls believe they can be anything when they grow up.

But the coolest was the kid who said it could be his other dad. The stupid reporter tries to clarify, "you mean his step-father?" The kid gets it right--"No, his other dad. You know. Two gay men."

How great is that????

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