I thought I'd share some simple concepts here that I did my best to share at an S/M 101 class held at the Eagle. I'm always amazed at how many people feel just like me about rope: scared, intimidated, overwhelmed. At the same time, once you master a couple of simple techniques you're only limited by your own imagination!
And rope bondage boys are the most patient people I know. They love the feel of rope against their skin, or over their gear, and they'll be happy to communicate to you when something's too tight or too loose (IF you open the lines of communication and encourage them to share these feelings!).
And if you feel a little incompetent, turn the music up a bit to cover your own muttering as you work, and blindfold them early on so they can't see you fumbling with the rope!
This is the simplest and most useful rope bondage technique that everyone should know. This works for all kinds of applications: wrist to wrist, wrist to thigh, thigh to calf, wrist to bicep, and from body "column" to any sort of furniture. Great for blood flow and no nerve damage! Length of rope can be as short as 15 fee,t or longer if you intend to tie off the hands elsewhere.
The wrist tie above involves a folded rope wound a couple of times around the wrists. The rope is then crossed, splitting the two columns, and wound a couple of times before tying the simple knot on the back side away from the fingers. Stick a finger down by the inside of the wrists. One finger should fit--you'll have good blood flow. If you can fit two or more fingers here wind the rope a little tighter or your "victim" will get loose!
In these examples using thigh to calf and forearm to bicep the rope is single strand, wound four or five times, then the crossover and wound just once, ending with a simple knot.
For some simple, well-done videos of this technique try going to YouTube and looking for Knotty Boys or try out the website for TwistedMonk.
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