Saturday started as "pup" day. I asked ~loki to join us which he was able to do for about 5 hours of great play. There were 3 seconds of shitfuckdamnpiss as the electro box we used jumped from about 15% to 6000% percent. ~Loki amazed me at how well he took a bad moment and put it far behind him. It will be a while down the road before try this again. Thank God there's 1249 more things he wants to try! (And if you haven't figured it out by now, I would rather cut off my right arm than give this wonderful man/boy/pup anything but the very best of experiences in his journey. So I'm typing this one-handed.)
The real joy though was two-fold. Seeing ~loki in the football uniform was FUCKING HOT. And seeing him take the paddle from me when I offered it so that he could whap on hubby's balls was so great! There was a gleam in his eye that was so real and so deep. I knew the electro-shit was far behind him and he was back to the pure joy he always has to offer.
I wasn't so sure about all the sportsgear stuff, but since Mike had packed a special suitcase just for the shoulder pads I sure as hell wasn't going to let him go home not having used them! I gotta tell you, I was so turned on by all these "jocks" around me, I believe I may a whole new appreciation and fetish.
What hot men! :)